Approved Work Item
ISO/AWI 25585
Traditional Chinese medicine --Notopterygium incisum and Notopterygium franchetii rhizome and root
Reference number
ISO/AWI 25585
Edition 1
Approved Work Item
ISO/AWI 25585
A working group has prepared a draft.


This document specifies the quality and safety requirements of Notopterygium incisum and Notopterygium franchetii rhizome and root(abbreviated as Notopterygium rhizome and root). This document applies to Notopterygium rhizome and root that is sold and used as natural medicine in international trade, including Chinese materia medica (whole medicinal materials) and decoction pieces derived from this herb, excluding wild source herbs.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : New project registered in TC/SC work programme [20.00]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 249
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