This international standard will provide guidance for the management of urban decentralized water reuse system. The guide emphasizes the systematicness of the management of decentralized water reuse system and will include the management principles, management modes, management elements, technical route management and support management of decentralized water reuse system. This International Standard presents: (1) Preface; (2) Scope; (3) Normative references; (4) Terms and definitions; (5) Management overview; (6) Technical route management, including source water collection management, treatment process management, storage and distribution management and terminal utilization management; (7) Support management, including monitoring management, risk management, emergency management and participants management.
General information
Status: Under development
You can help develop this draft international standard by contacting your national member
Stage: DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks [40.20] -
Edition: 1Number of pages: 16
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 282/SC 2ICS :13.060.01
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