Final Draft
International Standard
ISO/FDIS 21740
Space systems — Launch window estimation and collision avoidance
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 21740
Edition 1
Final Draft International Standard
ISO/FDIS 21740
This draft is in the approval phase.


This international standard (NWIP) provides details and associated requirements for tools, techniques, and analyses required to identify launch windows and associated closure times for Safety Launch Collision Avoidance (LCOLA) and (in an informative annex) Mission Assurance LCOLA. The methods evaluate the estimated close approach distances and corresponding collision probabilities between the set of all launch system and deployed objects, and the set of all on-orbit objects.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval [50.00]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 20/SC 14
  • RSS updates

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