

Standardization in the field of cork, both the raw material and products manufactured and prepared from cork.

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Sustainable Development Goals

This committee contributes with 47 standards to the following Sustainable Development Goal:


Published ISO standards *


ISO standards under development *

Participating members
Observing members

* number includes updates

Reference Title Type
ISO/TC 87/WG 9   Stoppers - Physical test methods Working group
ISO/TC 87/WG 10   Stoppers - Chemical test methods Working group
ISO/TC 87/WG 12   Stoppers - Sensorial test methods Working group
ISO/TC 87/WG 14   Sampling Working group
ISO/TC 87/WG 15   Sustainable development in the cork field Working group
ISO/TC 87/WG 17   Raw material Working group
ISO/TC 87/WG 18   Cork Vocabulary Working group
ISO/TC 87/WG 19   Cork - Specifications Working group
Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 87

The committees below can access the documents of ISO/TC 87:

Reference Title ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 219 Floor coverings ISO


Liaison Committees from ISO/TC 87

ISO/TC 87 can access the documents of the committees below:

Reference Title ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment ISO


Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)
Acronym Title Category
CELIEGE European Cork Federation A
OIV International Organisation of Vine and Wine A
UIOE International Union of Oenologists A
EC - European Commission European Commission B
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations B
WCO World Customs Organization B

Date Month Location TC/SC Note
4 December 2025 (Portugal) ISO/TC 87 *

* Information definite but meeting not yet formally convened
** Provisional

ISO/TC 87 - Secretariat

IPQ (Portugal)

Instituto Português da Qualidade
Rua António Gião, 2
P-2829-513 Caparica

Tel: +351 21 294 81 00
Fax: +351 21 294 81 01