Reference number
ISO/TS 10303-1637:2014
Technical Specification
ISO/TS 10303-1637:2014
Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 1637: Application module: Assembly module macro definition
Edition 3
Technical Specification
ISO/TS 10303-1637:2014
Indisponible en français
Publiée (Edition 3, 2014)
Cette publication a été révisée et confirmée pour la dernière fois en 2021. Cette édition reste donc d’actualité.


ISO/TS 10303-1637:2014-02 specifies the application module for Assembly module macro definition.

The following are within the scope of ISO/TS 10303-1637:2014-02:

the representation of predefined subsets of a design for reuse functionality. The assembly macro definition is supported by an equivalent capability in the context of interconnect substrate design reuse. The expected usage of this capability is only in the context of library stored design data and in design system to design system data sharing and exchange. A macro is not intended to be a directly realizeable design definition. The essential feature of this module is the inclusion of terminals that only exist in a macro definition so to support their reference in floor planning based design and their subsumption and replacement upon macro expansion in the detailed design. In this part of ISO 10303 assembly macros rely on interconnect macros for connectivity implementation.

  • terminals of assembly module macro;
  • assignment of interconnect macro component terminals to assembly module macro terminals.

Informations générales

  •  : Publiée
     : 2014-06
    : Clôture de l'examen [90.60]
  •  : 3
  • ISO/TC 184/SC 4
  • RSS mises à jour

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