ISO 18488:2015 specifies a method for the determination of the strain hardening modulus which is used as a measure for the resistance to slow crack growth of polyethylene.
The strain hardening modulus is obtained from stress-strain curves on compression moulded samples. This International Standard describes how such measurement is performed and how the strain hardening modulus shall be determined from such a curve. Details of the required equipment, precision, and sample preparation for the generation of meaningful data are given.
ISO 18488:2015 provides a method that is valid for all types of polyethylene, independent from the manufacturing technology, comonomer, catalyst type, that are used for pipes and fittings applications.
NOTE This method could be developed for materials for other applications.
Informations générales
État actuel: PubliéeDate de publication: 2015-09Stade: Norme internationale à réviser [90.92]
Edition: 1
Comité technique :ISO/TC 138/SC 5
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ISO/DIS 18488
ISO/DIS 18488
Matériaux polyéthylène (PE) pour systèmes de canalisations — Détermination du module d'écrouissage en relation avec la propagation lente de fissures — Méthode d'essai
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ProjetISO/DIS 18488