The ISO Geometrical Product Specifications Handbook
Année de publication 2024
This is the 2nd edition of The ISO Geometrical Product Specifications Handbook.
Geometrical product specifications or GPS is the international symbol language that is used to express tolerances in technical drawings. GPS is the foundation for manufacturing and international trade. GPS makes it possible for a drawing of a component that has been developed in one country to be sent to another country on the other side of the world, where the drawing can be understood and the component manufactured, without the designer and supplier having any common language except GPS.
The purpose of this book is partly to function as a textbook in technical schools and universities. However, it can also be used for self-study and as a post-study reference. The aim of this book is to give the reader sufficient knowledge to on one hand read and interpret GPS drawings and on the other hand have enough “vocabulary” and knowledge of the grammar to express geometrical requirements for a component as correctly formulated GPS requirements.
The book is written by Dr. Henrik S. Nielsen.