Resources to support the work of individuals involved in standards development.
The majority of this information is not password protected. However, some links may take you to pages where your login is required.
ISO Code of Ethics and Conduct
Participants in ISO committees, working groups or consensus groups are asked to work to the principles in the ISO Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Competition law guidelines
Compliance with competition law in the standards-setting process is essential to ensure that markets operate efficiently and competitively, and that the ISO standards development process remains a platform of trust. ISO provides broad guidelines on competition law issues for all participants in the ISO standards development process.
Any questions regarding the guidelines on competition law can be directed to the ISO legal team at
All participants in the ISO standardization activities shall respect the copyright of ISO publications and drafts developed, as well as of any content submitted to ISO. This is reflected in a Declaration to which all those involved in ISO standardization must agree.
Any questions regarding the Declaration can be directed to
Policy on communication about committee work to external parties and document retention
Participants in the ISO standards development process may be asked (e.g. by the media), or may wish on their own initiative (e.g. through social media), to share information with external parties about various aspects of committee work. ISO has developed a Policy for such external communications.
Any questions regarding the Policy can be directed to the TMB Secretariat by emailing
Data Privacy Policies
All those participating in ISO standardization activities have rights and obligations related to data protection. These are reflected in the ISO Member Data Privacy Policy, the Privacy Notice, and a Declaration to which all those involved in ISO standardization activities must agree. These apply to personal data processed in the course of ISO standardization activities.
Any questions regarding the Member Data Privacy Policy, the Privacy Notice or the Declaration can be directed to:
Explanation of terms and expressions used in ISO standards
ISO uses specific terms and expressions to differentiate between requirements and recommendations in its International Standards. This has implications for conformity assessment. Find out more about terms and expressions.
International Standards and trade
ISO observes and promotes the WTO principles in the development of its International Standards. This is to ensure that they do not create barriers to trade. Find out more about ISO standards and trade.
Sanction law issues within ISO
ISO has created a document to download that summarizes issues in connection with sanctions [PDF] and the ISO standards development process.
Engaging stakeholders and building consensus
ISO works to ensure that standards are developed by the stakeholders for the stakeholders, so that market needs can be effectively met.
Here you will find documents to provide guidance on stakeholder engagement processes:
- Guidance for ISO national standards bodies
- Guidance for ISO liaison organizations
- Involving consumers - why and how
Guidelines for sustainability in standards
Sustainability is such an important issue for ISO that we have created a guide to help include these principles into more and more standards.
Called Guide 82 and created by a world leading team of sustainability and standards experts, it provides all the guidance required to address sustainability in standards

Are you an ISO member?
More information for members can be found in the Members' Portal.
Accessibility Toolkit
The accessibility toolkit provides guidance to help technical committees determine if their deliverables have relevance in terms of accessibility.
Publicly available resources
The ISO Central Secretariat provides various types of Publicly available resources to support the ISO community.
ISO Open data
ISO’s Open Data initiative provides free access to datasets such as ISO Deliverables Metadata, ISO Technical Committees, and the International Classification for Standards (ICS), aiming to promote transparency, innovation, and efficiency in the International Standards ecosystem.
Roles and responsibilities
The following documents include details of the roles and responsibilities of those involved in standards development, as well as how to play an active role in the process.
Directives and Policies
The ISO/IEC Directives define the basic procedures to be followed in the development of International Standards and other publications.
Other policies (such as the Patent Policy or the Policy on Global Relevance) contain guiding principles for standards development
For questions on the ISO/IEC Directives please contact
Developing standards
This section provides an overview of the standards development process with links to the tools, documents and resources for each stage.
IT Tools for Standards Development
This section contains details on all IT Tools that help support the standards development process.
For questions about IT tools, contact
Forms, Model Agendas and Standard Letters
This section contains the forms, model agendas and standard letters that may be needed when developing standards. More information on the documents needed at each stage can be found in the Developing Standards section.
Drafting standards
Learn how to write standards and submit your draft using our templates and models