Borrador del Comité
ISO/CD 22308-3
Cork bark selected as bottling product — Part 3: Methodology for sensory evaluation by direct olfaction.
Reference number
ISO/CD 22308-3
Edition 1
Borrador del Comité
ISO/CD 22308-3
El comité está revisando un borrador.


This International Standard is applicable. — cork bark selected as bottling product in all its forms; — all cork components of cork stoppers: granules, discs, bodies and shanks; — all types of cork stoppers, semi-finished (shaped), semi-finished (semi-manufactured stoppers possibly washed and possibly colmated and/or coated) semi-finished or ready for use (semi-finished stoppers, branded and with a surface treatment).

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : CD aprobado para su registro como DIS [30.99]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 87
  • RSS actualizaciones

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