ISO 13381-1:2015 provides guidance for the development and application of prognosis processes. It is intended to
- allow developers, providers, users and manufacturers to share common concepts of prognostics,
- enable users to determine the data, characteristics, processes and behaviours necessary for accurate prognosis,
- outline appropriate approaches and processes to prognostics development, and
- introduce prognostics concepts in order to facilitate future systems and training.
Other parts will include the introduction of concepts of the following forms of prognostic approaches: performance changes (trending) approaches (ISO 13381-2), cyclic-driven life usage techniques (ISO 13381-3), and useful-life-remaining models (ISO 13381-4).
Informaciones generales
Estado: En desarrolloEtapa: Informe completo distribuido: DIS aprobado para su registro como FDIS [40.99]
Edición: 3Número de páginas: 21
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 108/SC 5ICS :17.160
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PublicadoISO 13381-1:2015