International Standard
ISO/DIS 3630-8
Dentistry — Endodontic instruments — Part 8: Accuracy of electronic apex locator
Reference number
ISO/DIS 3630-8
Edition 1
Proyecto Norma internacional
ISO/DIS 3630-8
Este borrador de Norma Internacional se encuentra en la fase de consultas con los miembros de ISO.


This part of ISO 3630 specifies requirements and test methods for the accuracy of electronic apex locators that are used to determine the apical foramen (‘apex’ in this document) location during endodontic treatment. Integrated types of electronic apex locators are excluded from this standard.

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : DIS registrado [40.00]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 106/SC 4
  • RSS actualizaciones

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