Reference number
ISO 7235:2003
International Standard
ISO 7235:2003
Acoustics — Laboratory measurement procedures for ducted silencers and air-terminal units — Insertion loss, flow noise and total pressure loss
Edition 2
ISO 7235:2003
No disponible en español
Publicado (Edición 2, 2003)
Esta publicación se revisó y confirmó por última vez en 2024. Por lo tanto, esta versión es la actual.

ISO 7235:2003

ISO 7235:2003
CHF 177
Convertir Franco suizo (CHF) a tu moneda


ISO 7235:2003 specifies methods for determining

  • the insertion loss, in frequency bands, of ducted silencers with and without airflow,
  • the sound power level, in frequency bands, of the flow noise (or regenerated sound) generated by ducted silencers,
  • the total pressure loss of silencers with airflow, and
  • the transmission loss, in frequency bands, of air-terminal units.

The measurement procedures are intended for laboratory measurements at ambient temperature. Measurements on silencers in situ are specified in ISO 11820.

It is to be noted that the results determined in a laboratory according to ISO 7235:2003 will not necessarily be the same as those obtained in situ (installation), as different sound and flow fields will yield different results. For example, the pressure loss will be lower under laboratory conditions than in situ, but will be comparable between different laboratories.

ISO 7235:2003 is applicable to all types of silencer including silencers for ventilating and air-conditioning systems, air intake and exhaust of flue gases, and similar applications. Other passive air-handling devices, such as bends, air-terminal units or T-connectors, can also be tested using this International Standard.

It is not applicable to reactive silencers used for motor vehicles.

Informaciones generales

  •  : Publicado
     : 2003-08
    : Norma Internacional para revisar [90.92]
  •  : 2
     : 49
  • ISO/TC 43/SC 1
  • RSS actualizaciones

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