

Standardization in the filed of non-traditional reinforcing materials for concrete structures include

1) long fiber for reinforcing and/or prestressing concrete

2) short fibers for fiber reinforced concrete /FRC) and

3) epoxy coated steel bars

Other existing materials which are not in the list or new materials which will be developed in future may be included. These materials are supposed to be applied to new constructions and/or repair on strengthening of existing concrete structures.

In order to ensure their proper use and to expand the application to concrete structures, following items are to be considered.

- Standardization of test methods for non-traditional reinforcing materials for concrete structures

- Standardization of qualities of non-traditional reinforcing materials for concrete structures

- Standardization in the field of design, construction of concrete structures using non-traditional materials

- Standardization in the field of repair and strengthening of concrete structures using non-traditional materials

Enlaces rápidos


Normas ISO publicadas *


Normas ISO en desarrollo *

Miembros participantes
Miembros observadores

* la cifra incluye las actualizaciones

Referencia Título Tipo
ISO/TC 71/SC 6/WG 2 Testing methods for fibre-reinforced cementitious composites Grupo de trabajo
ISO/TC 71/SC 6/WG 5   Discrete polymer fibre for fibre-reinforced cementitious composites Grupo de trabajo
ISO/TC 71/SC 6/WG 6   FRP material properties Grupo de trabajo
Fecha Mes Ubicación TC/SC Nota
21 November 2024 Khwaeng Lumphini (Thailand) ISO/TC 71/SC 6  

* Información definitiva, pero la reunión aún no se ha convocado formalmente
** Provisional

ISO/TC 71/SC 6 - Secretaría

JISC [Japan]

Shibaura institute of technology
Toyosu Campus
3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto-ku
Tokyo 153-8548

Tel: +81 3 5859 7140
Fax: +81 3 5859 7141