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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Hard coal — Determination of forms of sulphur
95.99 | |
Coal — Determination of forms of sulfur
90.92 | |
Coal — Determination of forms of sulfur — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | |
Coal — Determination of forms of sulfur
50.20 | |
Coal — Determination of moisture in the analysis sample — Direct gravimetric method
95.99 | |
Coal — Determination of nitrogen — Macro Kjeldahl method
95.99 | |
Coal — Determination of nitrogen — Semi-micro Kjeldahl method
95.99 | |
Coal — Determination of nitrogen — Semi-micro Kjeldahl method
95.99 | |
Coal — Determination of nitrogen — Semi-micro Kjeldahl method — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of total sulphur — Eschka method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total sulfur — Eschka method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total sulfur — Eschka method
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of total sulfur — Eschka method
60.60 | |
Hard coal — Determination of moisture in the analysis sample — Direct volumetric method
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Audibert-Arnu dilatometer test
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Audibert-Arnu dilatometer test
90.20 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total sulfur — High temperature combustion method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total sulfur — High temperature combustion method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total sulfur — High temperature combustion method — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of chlorine — High temperature combustion method
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of the crucible swelling number
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of the crucible swelling number
90.92 | |
Hard coal — Determination of the crucible swelling number
50.20 | |
Coal — Determination of caking power — Gray-King coke test
95.99 | |
Coal — Determination of caking power — Gray-King coke test
90.92 | |
Hard Coal — Determination of caking power — Gray-King coke test
50.20 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of fusibility of ash — High-temperature tube method
95.99 | |
Hard coal and coke — Determination of ash fusibility
90.92 | |
Hard coal — Determination of ash fusibility
40.60 | |
Hard coal and coke — Determination of volatile matter content
95.99 | |
Hard coal and coke — Determination of volatile matter
95.99 | |
Hard coal and coke — Determination of volatile matter
95.99 | |
Hard coal and coke — Determination of volatile matter
60.60 | |
Coke — Determination of total moisture
95.99 | |
Coke — Determination of total moisture
90.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of chlorine using Eschka mixture
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of chlorine using Eschka mixture
60.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of chlorine using Eschka mixture
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of total moisture
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of total moisture
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of total moisture
90.93 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of arsenic content using the standard silver diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method of ISO 2590
95.99 | |
Coal — Determination of mineral matter
95.99 | |
Coal — Determination of mineral matter
90.92 | |
Coal — Determination of mineral matter
40.99 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of carbon and hydrogen — High temperature combustion method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of carbon and hydrogen — High temperature combustion method
90.92 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of carbon and hydrogen — High temperature combustion method — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of carbon and hydrogen — High temperature combustion method
50.20 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of phorphorus content — Reduced molybdophosphate photometric method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of phosphorus content — Reduced molybdophosphate photometric method
90.92 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of phosphorus — Reduced molybdophosphate photometric method
40.99 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of carbon and hydrogen — Liebig method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of carbon and hydrogen — Liebig method
90.92 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of carbon and hydrogen — Liebig method — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of carbon and hydrogen — Liebig method
40.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of the yields of tar, water, gas and coke residue by low temperature distillation
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of the yields of tar, water, gas and coke residue by low temperature distillation
90.93 | |
Coke — Determination of moisture in the analysis sample
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Coke — Determination of moisture in the general analysis test sample
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Coke — Determination of moisture in the general analysis test sample
95.99 | |
Coke — Determination of moisture in the general analysis test sample
60.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of carbon dioxide content — Gravimetric method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of carbonate carbon content — Gravimetric method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of carbonate carbon content — Gravimetric method
90.60 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of yield of benzene-soluble extract — Semi-automatic method
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of yield of benzene-soluble extract — Semi-automatic method
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of yield of benzene-soluble extract — Semi-automatic method
60.60 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of moisture content — Direct volumetric method
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of acetone-soluble material ("resinous substances") in the toluene-soluble extract
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of acetone-soluble material ("resinous substance") in the benzene-soluble extract
90.92 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of acetone-soluble material ("resinous substance") in the benzene-soluble extract
50.20 | |
Hard coal — Determination of moisture-holding capacity
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of moisture-holding capacity
95.99 | |
Coal — Determination of moisture-holding capacity
60.60 | |
Coal and coke — Calculation of analyses to different bases
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Calculation of analyses to different bases
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Calculation of analyses to different bases
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Calculation of analyses to different bases
60.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of ash
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of ash
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of ash — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of ash
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of ash
60.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of gross calorific value by the bomb calorimetric method, and calculation of net calorific value
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of gross calorific value by the bomb calorimetric method and calculation of net calorific value
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of gross calorific value
90.92 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of gross calorific value
40.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of extractable metals in dilute hydrochloric acid
90.92 | |
Coal — Determination of extractable metals in dilute hydrochloric acid
40.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of oxygen content
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Classification by types on the basis of total moisture content and tar yield
90.92 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Classification by types on the basis of total moisture mass fraction and tar yield
40.20 | |
Coal — Determination of the thermal stability and thermal fragmentation
60.60 | |
Coal — Determination of carboxyreactivity
60.60 | |
Hard Coal — Determination of plastometric indices — Manual method
60.60 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of moisture content — Part 1: Indirect gravimetric method for total moisture
90.92 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of moisture — Part 1: Indirect gravimetric method for total moisture
50.20 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of moisture content — Part 2: Indirect gravimetric method for moisture in the analysis sample
90.92 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of moisture — Part 2: Indirect gravimetric method for moisture in the analysis sample
50.20 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of moisture content — Indirect gravimetric method
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of the volatile matter in the analysis sample — Part 1: Two-furnace method
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of the volatile matter in the analysis sample — Part 1: Two-furnace method
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of the volatile matter in the analysis sample — Part 1: Two-furnace method
60.60 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of true relative density and apparent relative density
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of true relative density and apparent relative density
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of true relative density and apparent relative density
60.60 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of humic acids
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of humic acids
95.99 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of humic acids
60.60 | |
Hard coal — Determination of Hardgrove grindability index
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of Hardgrove grindability index
90.93 | |
Methods for the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite — Part 1: Vocabulary
95.99 | |
Methods for the petrographic analysis of coals — Part 1: Vocabulary
90.92 | |
Coal — Methods for petrographic analysis — Part 1: Vocabulary
40.20 | |
Methods for the petrographic analysis of coals — Part 2: Methods of preparing coal samples
90.92 | |
Coal — Methods for petrographic analysis — Part 2: Method of preparing coal samples
40.20 | |
Methods for the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite — Part 3: Method of determining maceral group composition
95.99 | |
Methods for the petrographic analysis of coals — Part 3: Method of determining maceral group composition
90.92 | |
Coal — Methods for petrographic analysis — Part 3: Method of determining maceral group composition
40.20 | |
Methods for the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite — Part 4: Method of determining microlithotype, carbominerite and minerite composition
95.99 | |
Methods for the petrographic analysis of coals — Part 4: Method of determining microlithotype, carbominerite and minerite composition
90.92 | |
Coal — Methods for petrographic analysis — Part 4: Method of determining microlithotype, carbominerite and minerite composition
40.20 | |
Methods for the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite — Part 5: Method of determining microscopically the reflectance of vitrinite
95.99 | |
Methods for the petrographic analysis of coals — Part 5: Method of determining microscopically the reflectance of vitrinite
90.92 | |
Coal — Methods for petrographic analysis — Part 5: Method of determining microscopically the reflectance of vitrinite
40.20 | |
Hard coal — Determination of the swelling properties using a dilatometer
90.60 | |
Coal — Determination of plastic properties — Constant-torque Gieseler plastometer method
95.99 | |
Coal — Determination of plastic properties — Constant-torque Gieseler plastometer method
90.92 | |
Hard coal — Determination of plastic properties — Constant-torque Gieseler plastometer method
50.20 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Hard coal — Determination of moisture in the general analysis test sample by drying in nitrogen
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Hard coal — Determination of moisture in the general analysis test sample by drying in nitrogen
90.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of arsenic and selenium — Eschka's mixture and hydride generation method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of arsenic and selenium — Eschka's mixture and hydride generation method
90.92 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of arsenic and selenium — Eschka's mixture and hydride generation method
40.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total fluorine in coal, coke and fly ash
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total fluorine in coal, coke and fly ash
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total fluorine in coal, coke and fly ash
90.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of nitrogen — Semi-micro gasification method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Guidelines for the validation of alternative methods of analysis
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Guidelines for the validation of alternative methods of analysis
95.99 | |
Classification of coals
95.99 | |
Classification of coals
90.60 | |
Hard coal - Determination of abrasiveness
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of abrasiveness
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen — Instrumental methods
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Major and minor elements in coal ash and coke ash — Wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
90.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Major and minor elements in hard coal ash and coke ash — Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total mercury content of coal
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total mercury content of coal
90.92 | |
Coal — Determination of total mercury
50.20 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total cadmium content of coal
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total cadmium content of coal
90.92 | |
Coal — Determination of total cadmium
40.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of caking index
95.99 | |
Hard coal — Determination of caking index
90.20 | |
Coal — Proximate analysis
95.99 | |
Coal — Proximate analysis — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Coal — Proximate analysis
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Proximate analysis
60.60 | |
Coal — Ultimate analysis
95.99 | |
Coal — Ultimate analysis — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Coal — Ultimate analysis
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Ultimate analysis
60.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of chlorine content
90.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of Chlorine content
95.99 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of sulfur by IR spectrometry
90.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total sulfur by Coulomb titration method
90.92 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of total sulfur by Coulomb titration method
60.00 | |
Brown coals and lignites — Determination of the volatile matter in the analysis sample: one furnace method
60.60 | |
Hard coal — Determination of plastometric indices — Automated Sapozhnikov penetration plastometer method
60.60 | |
Selection of methods for the determination of trace elements in coal
95.99 | |
Selection of methods for the determination of trace elements in coal
95.99 | |
Coal — Selection of methods for the determination of trace elements — Guidance and requirements
60.60 | |
Hard coal — Method for the measurement of the swelling of hard coal using a dilatometer
90.92 | |
Hard coal — Method for the measurement of the swelling properties using a dilatometer
40.60 | |
Solid mineral fuels — Determination of total carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen content — Instrumental method
95.99 | |
Coal and coke — Determination of total carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen — Instrumental method
60.60 |
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