Las normas guían los procesos, así como los materiales y equipos de impresión 3D. Garantizan la calidad, la seguridad y la compatibilidad entre aplicaciones, lo que favorece la innovación y fiabilidad de la producción en todo el mundo.


Principios de gestión de la calidad: la base del éxito

En el corazón de la excelencia organizacional se encuentra la gestión de la calidad, un enfoque sistemático que ha transformado la forma en que las empresas operan, compiten y prosperan. Los principios de gestión de la calidad de ISO, desarrollados a lo largo de décadas de especialización colectiva e implementación en el mundo real, sirven como marco fundamental que guía a las organizaciones desde la competencia hasta el máximo desempeño.

Technician inspects a turbine wheel that has just finished printing in a 3D printer.

Por Barnaby Lewis el

New file format for 3D printers

ISO/ASTM 52915, just published, will help realize the full potential of additive manufacturing.

Por Clare Naden el

ISO and ASTM International unveil framework for creating global additive manufacturing standards

ISO and ASTM International have jointly crafted the Additive Manufacturing Standards Development Structure, a framework which will help meet the needs for new technical standards in this fast-growing field. Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is the process of joining materials layer upon layer, as opposed to “subtractive manufacturing” methods such as machining.

Normas esenciales

Additive manufacturing of metals — Qualification principles — Installation, operation and performance (IQ/OQ/PQ) of PBF-EB equipment

Additive manufacturing — Qualification principles — Requirements for industrial additive manufacturing processes and production sites

Additive manufacturing — General principles — Requirements for purchased AM parts

Additive manufacturing — Qualification principles — Installation, operation and performance (IQ/OQ/PQ) of PBF-LB equipment

Additive manufacturing — General principles — Main characteristics and corresponding test methods

Additive manufacturing of metals — Process characteristics and performance — Metal powder bed fusion process to meet critical applications