Secretariat: SA (Australia)
Committee Manager: -
Chairperson (until end 2026):Mr Aron Habte
ISO Technical Programme Manager [TPM]:ISO Editorial Manager [EM]:
- Creation date: 1981
Standardization of radiometric instrumentation, procedures for calibration, measurement and modelling practices of solar radiation for various applications such as weather, climate, solar energy, space and water heating, cooling, industrial process heating and air conditioning.
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This committee contributes with 11 standards to the following Sustainable Development Goals:
Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 180/SC 1
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Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)
ISO/TC 180/SC 1 - Secretariat
SA (Australia)
Standards Australia
Level 10, The Exchange Centre 20 Bridge Street
Sydney 2000 NSW
Sydney 2000 NSW
Tel: +61 2 9237 6000
Email: intsect@standards.org.au