Slovenia (SIST)
Last updated on: 2019-02-22
Stakeholder Organization(s) contributing to the case study
National Standards Body
National Governmental Authority (Ministry)
State or Provincial Governmental Authority (Ministry)
Consumer Organization
National structures for consumer participation (Technical)
technical committes for child care, care labeling of textiles, food products, personal equipment care, health care, furniture, sport
Platforms for consumer participation
on SIST we have on web public enqueiry of draft standard where consumers can get drafts for free and they can send us their comments.
Consumers' priorities and objectives for participation
child care, food products, health care
Main obstacles to participation
Resources (financial or other)
Funding of participation
If the consumer ageny want to participate in our technical committe must pay annual fee.
Useful Web sites and other resources for consumer participation
Respondent's name
Lampic Mojca Mrs