Norway (SN)

Last updated on: 2020-02-03

Stakeholder Organization(s) contributing to the case study

National Standards Body

International structures for consumer participation

ISO/PC 311; ISO/PC 311/WG 1; ISO/COPOLCO; ISO/TC 207; ISO/TC 312

Consumer representative(s) participating in the international structure(s)

Consumer Organization, National Standards Body, Other Non-governmental Organization,

National structures for consumer participation (Technical)

Se below

National structures for consumer participation (Policy)

In 2005 Standards Norway (SN) established a Consumer Council with a Steering Committe and Consumer Office.
There are six members in the Steering Committee representing The Consumer Council of Norway, National Governmental Authority (Ministry) and Standards Norway.

The Consumer Council Office is part of the SN structure and its staff are emploees of SN.

Platforms for consumer participation

The Consumer Council undertakes a range of activities to promote and encourage consumer interests in standards.
The Consumer Council decide on the most effective areas of focus for consumer participation in standards. (In this we gain support by looking to COPLCO!). The Consumer Council assemble these areas for presentation in a journal which is quarterly updated and circulated in proper Consumer Networks. These key areas and other relevant information on consumer participation are reported on in the Councils Annual Report. In addition the Consumer Council tag and report consumer representation, offers training and events including meetings for information and support for consumers, public authorities, and standardization Experts. The Consumer Council maintains a network which is regularly updated and where News and relevant Projects are circulated. On SN`s web we have a site subjected to consumer information and News.

International cooperation

ANEC, Consumers International, COPOLCO

Consumers' priorities and objectives for participation

In 2020 the Consumer Council prioritized as follows:
- Information Technology, Safety and Privacy
- Design for All
- Health and Services
- Sustainability and Environment

Main obstacles to participation


Resources (financial or other)


Funding of participation

The main Source for Travel support and funding is The National Governmental Authority (Ministry) in Norway.

Useful Web sites and other resources for consumer participation

COPOLCO`s site.

Respondent's name

Thorkildsen Hege Ms