Malaysia (DSM)
Last updated on: 2019-03-12
Delegated Organization for consumer issues in standardization
Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (for consumer products), Energy Commission (for electrical products), Ministry of Health (for process food products), Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (for telecommunication and IT products), Ministry of Primary Industries (palm oil, cocoa and others), Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (for agriculture products), Fire and Rescue Department (for fire extinguisher and others), Department of Environment, Local Authority Department (playgrounds and others), Road Transport Department (tires, tinted glass, safety helmets), Medical Device Authority (medical device products), National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (for pharmaceutical products), National Water Services Commission (water and sewage system, water tank, piping and others), Construction Industry Development Board, Department of Fisheries, Malaysian Public Works Department, Malaysian Timber Industry Board, Malaysian Rubber Board, SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd., testing laboratories, consumer associations, contact center association, other private associations, universities, governmental and private/professionals institutions/council, private companies, government link companies,
Stakeholder Organization(s) contributing to the case study
National Standards Body
International structures for consumer participation
ISO/PC 294 Unit Pricing; ISO/PC 311 Vulnerable Consumers (Malaysia still in a process of appointment the National Mirror Committee members where consumer associations is one of the candidate); ISO/PC 303 Consumer Warranties and Guaranties; ISO/TC 290 Online Reputation
Consumer representative(s) participating in the international structure(s)
i) ISO PC 294 - Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs and National Consumer Complaints Centre
ii) ISO/PC 311 - Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Malaysian Association of Standards Users, Persons with Disabilities Associations of Malaysia, Malaysian Association of Pensioners and Senior Citizens
iii) ISO/PC 303 - Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs and National Consumer Complaints Centre
iv) ISO/TC 290 - Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, National Consumer Complaints Centre, Education and Research Association for Consumers, Malaysia (ERA Consumer Malaysia) and Malaysian Association of Standards Users
National structures for consumer participation (Technical)
1. TC 2 Product Safety and Recall
2. TC 4 Online Reputation
3. TC 5 Unit Pricing
4. TC 6 Warranties and Guarantees
5. TC 7 Customer Contact Centre
6. TC X Vulnerable Consumer (Malaysia still in a process of appointment the NMC members)
Note: For your information, starting 1 January 2019, DSM starting take over all standards development works from our Standards Development Agencies. Thus, this year will be our transition period where we will do a major restructuring on our policy, standards development structures and processes. For the TCs that I've highlighed above, we will renumbering all the TC soon after members appointment process are completed.
National structures for consumer participation (Policy)
National Standards Committee on Consumer Interest (NSC C)
Note: This NSC C will cover policy and technical matters/issues pertaining to consumer interest. This committee also is the National Mirror Committee (NMC) for ISO COPOLCO.
Platforms for consumer participation
1. Consumer education campaigns - organised by NGOs, Consumer association, Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs and other government agencies. DSM also as NSB has organised a few education programmes every year for secondary school students, universities students and young professionals. We also have a few slots with tv and radio station, papers-articles
2. Outreach programmes (based on state/zone) - organised by NGOs, consumer association, Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affair and other government agencies. The programmes are focus on young generations and community as a whole.
3. Tribunal of Consumer Claims - under Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affair
4. Consumer Complaint Platform - National Consumer Complaints Centre, MyStandard, Malaysian Association of Standards Users and others related government agencies whose are the regulators for specific consumer products and services.
5. Consumer Advisory Council - manage by Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affair and representatives are from consumer associations/organisations, government agencies and universities
6. Handling consumer complaints / 2. consumer education – we are also affiliated to consumer international.
International cooperation
3. Consumer International (CI)
4. Testing Laboratory
5. Regulatory bodies
6. Relevant Government Agencies
7. Research Institute
8. Consumer Organizations
9. Universities
10. NGOs
11. Some of the countries where consumer organisation have signed MOU with ie- SG /JP
Consumers' priorities and objectives for participation
1. e-commerce
2. sharing economy
3. silver economy
4. vulnerable consumer
5. product safety
6. healthcare
7. Cost of living
8. warranties and guarantees
9. basic needs
10. consumer rights and any other consumer related issues etc.
Main obstacles to participation
Lack of information
Lack of training
Resources (financial or other)
Funding of participation
1. Department of Standards Malaysia (NSB of Malaysia) - depends on yearly development budget allocation
2. International Organisation like ISO/ASEAN/APEC/CI and others.
Useful Web sites and other resources for consumer participation
1. (MyStandard Portal)
2. (Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs website)
3. (Department of Standards Malaysia)
4. (National Consumer Complaints Centre)
5. (Malaysian Association of Standards Users)
7. Which UK -
8. Choice, Australia -
9. Consumer Federation of America -
10. Singapore
Additional information
Respondent's name
Syed Abu Bakar Syarifah Azlinda Mrs