Malawi (MBS)

Last updated on: 2016-06-01

Stakeholder Organization(s) contributing to the case study

National Standards Body

International structures for consumer participation


Consumer representative(s) participating in the international structure(s)

Moses Gwaza- MBS

National structures for consumer participation (Technical)

none at the moment, we are in the process of coming up with a COPOLCO mirror committee

National structures for consumer participation (Policy)

none at the moment, we only involve the Consumers Association of Malawi, and lately the Competitions and Fair Trading Commission to TC meetings. we are yet to established well recognized policy committee.

Platforms for consumer participation

in terms of organisations, we the Consumers Association of Malawi (CAMA), and lately the Competitions and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC). we do conduct community awareness, and also awareness in Colleges and secondary schools. we have also in house publications that encourages consumer participation as well as radio an television programmes.

International cooperation

MBS deal with ISO, CAMA and CFTC deals with Consumer International

Main obstacles to participation


Lack of information

Lack of training

Funding of participation


Useful Web sites and other resources for consumer participation

Respondent's name

Gwaza Moses Mr