Myanmar (DRI)

Last updated on: 2019-03-07

Delegated Organization for consumer issues in standardization

DRI and Standardization TCs

Stakeholder Organization(s) contributing to the case study

National Standards Body

National Governmental Authority (Ministry)

State or Provincial Governmental Authority (Ministry)

Consumer Organization

Other Non-governmental Organization


International structures for consumer participation

International structures for consumer protection includes UNCTAD, Australia Competition and Consumer Commission, the United States Federal Trade Commission; ISO/COPOLCO; ISO/CASCO; ISO/DEVCO; ISO/TC 5/SC 5

Consumer representative(s) participating in the international structure(s)

Department of Consumer Affairs is the focal organization for consumer protection activities in Myanmar. Our Department works in cooperation with the ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection as well as international organizations like UNCTAD, USAID, Korea Consumer Agency, EU-GIZ

National structures for consumer participation (Technical)

TC 1 Technical Committee for Electrical and Electronic

TC 2 Technical Committee for Food Stuff

TC 3 Technical Committee for Auto-mobile Product

TC 4 Technical Committee for Management System

TC 5 Technical Committee for Cosmetic Product

TC 6 Technical Committee for Pharmaceutical

TC 7 Technical Committee for Agro-based Product

TC 8 Technical Committee for Medical Devices

TC 9 Technical Committee for Building and Construction

TC 10 Technical Committee for Traditional Medicine

TC 11 Technical Committee for Rubber and Rubber-based Product

TC 12 Technical Committee for Communication and Information Technology

TC 13 Technical Committee for Chemical

TC 14 Technical Committee for Mechanical

TC 15 Technical Committee for Energy

TC 16 Technical Committee for Wood Based Product

TC 17 Technical Committee for Livestock and Fisheries

TC 18 Technical Committee for Environmental Protection

TC 19 Technical Committee for Boiler

TC 20 Technical Committee for Occupational Safety and Health

TC 21 Technical Committee for Universal Character Set Myanmar Unicode System
TC 1 Technical Committee for Electrical and Electronic

TC 2 Technical Committee for Food Stuff

TC 3 Technical Committee for Auto-mobile Product

TC 4 Technical Committee for Management System

TC 5 Technical Committee for Cosmetic Product

TC 6 Technical Committee for Pharmaceutical

TC 7 Technical Committee for Agro-based Product

TC 8 Technical Committee for Medical Devices

TC 9 Technical Committee for Building and Construction

TC 10 Technical Committee for Traditional Medicine

TC 11 Technical Committee for Rubber and Rubber-based Product

TC 12 Technical Committee for Communication and Information Technology

TC 13 Technical Committee for Chemical

TC 14 Technical Committee for Mechanical

TC 15 Technical Committee for Energy

TC 16 Technical Committee for Wood Based Product

TC 17 Technical Committee for Livestock and Fisheries

TC 18 Technical Committee for Environmental Protection

TC 19 Technical Committee for Boiler

TC 20 Technical Committee for Occupational Safety and Health
TC 21 Technical Committee for Universal Character Set Myanmar Unicode Syste
TC 22 Technical Committee for Textile and Garment
TC 23 Technical Committee for Iron and Steel

National structures for consumer participation (Policy)

In accordance with Consumer Protection Law (2014), we have Consumer Protection Central Committee, Regional, State and District Consumer Dispute Settlement Bodies, Product Safety Working Committee and Consumer Complaint Working Committee, Consumer Information and Complaint Centers have been established. In the future, in accordance with new Consumer Protection Law (2019), Consumer Protection Commission, Consumer Affairs Committees will be established

Platforms for consumer participation

Department of Consumer Affairs holds World Consumer Rights Day annually since 2015 as awareness campaign. Our Regional and State Head Offices in Regions and States also works in cooperation with other relevant ministries, non-governmental consumer organizations and private sector organizations for consumer education activities.

International cooperation

Department of Consumer Affairs of Ministry of Commerce is the focal organization for consumer protection activities in Myanmar. Our Department works in cooperation with the ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection as well as international organizations like UNCTAD, USAID, Korea Consumer Agency, EU-GIZ.

Consumers' priorities and objectives for participation

We are preparing National Consumer Protection Program consisting 5 core processes like Policy and Law, Consumer Redress, Communication and Cooperation, Product Safety and Market Surveillance and Consumer Education. Those will be the priorities of consumer's participation.

Main obstacles to participation


Lack of information

Lack of awareness

Lack of training

Resources (financial or other)



Main obstacles to participation (other)

Stakeholders engagement for food and health safety .

Funding of participation

Department of Consumer Affairs under Ministry of Commerce receives only technical assistance like training, workshops and technical meeting etc and no funding is received

Useful Web sites and other resources for consumer participation

. is the Website of Department of Consumer Affairs where one could have a look for activities of our Department, Product alert information and also making consumer complaints through online system.
And DRI website ;

Additional information

Myanmar would like to get the Technical assistance from ISO COPOLCO for implementation of consumer protection promote the awareness of stakeholders

Respondent's name

Moe War War Dr