Japan (JISC)

Last updated on: 2016-05-25

Stakeholder Organization(s) contributing to the case study

National Standards Body

National Governmental Authority (Ministry)

Consumer Organization

International structures for consumer participation

PC294 ( A Japanese consumer representative is going to particitate in the PC from the forthcoming meeting this November.)

Consumer representative(s) participating in the international structure(s)

The name of Japanese consumer organization

National structures for consumer participation (Technical)

National mirror committee of COPOLCO

National structures for consumer participation (Policy)

Consumer relevant standardization policy setting committee

Platforms for consumer participation

A seminar on standardization, which is organized by a few Japanese cnsumer organizations to motivate the participants to be involved in standardization from consumers' perspectives.

Consumers' priorities and objectives for participation

Safety on new products

Main obstacles to participation


Lack of information

Lack of awareness

Lack of training

Resources (financial or other)



Respondent's name

Nakakuki Takashi Mr.