Fiji (DNTMS)
Last updated on: 2018-08-28
Delegated Organization for consumer issues in standardization
Ministry of Industry, Trade & Tourism (DNTMS) - National Standards Body (NSB) and Consumer Council of Fiji
Stakeholder Organization(s) contributing to the case study
National Standards Body
National Governmental Authority (Ministry)
International structures for consumer participation
There is none at the moment as we do no have any national mirror committee however we are working together the NSB and the Consumer advocates in Fiji to be part of the interantional consumer participants under the committee
Consumer representative(s) participating in the international structure(s)
Ms Ajeshni Lata
National structures for consumer participation (Technical)
None at the moment, but we are in the process to come up with the consumer committee
National structures for consumer participation (Policy)
There are none at the moment however we are trying to involve consumer advocates and consumer watchdogs (Consumer Council of Fiji and Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission) to be part of this committee as to be mirror to the International Committee
Platforms for consumer participation
At this moment it is the National Standards Body however we conduct awareness as on public notice, emailing stakeholders on any standards that is under adoption, development or reveiew but we do not have any TC/SC/WGs under the COPOLCO committee. Therefore, we are in the process in developing a national guideline on "Information Standards for Goods & Services Intended for Consumers"
International cooperation
Ministry of Industry, Trade & Tourism (DNTMS) - ISO
Consumer Council of Fiji - Consumer International
Consumers' priorities and objectives for participation
Product Safety , Labeling, Packaging and Financial Services
Main obstacles to participation
Lack of information
Lack of awareness
Lack of training
Useful Web sites and other resources for consumer participation
Additional information
As the National Standards Body in Fiji we are grateful for this activity however this will help us in terms of the ISO/COPOLCO committee in sharing the involvement that a country is taking under the consumer activities and how we can be assisted in terms of improving consumer participation, public awareness by sharing information and engagement on consumer stakeholders on any consumer committee.
Respondent's name
Kevu Asenaca Ms