Finland (SFS)
Last updated on: 2020-02-03
Stakeholder Organization(s) contributing to the case study
National Standards Body
International structures for consumer participation
Consumer representative(s) participating in the international structure(s)
Mr. Juha Beurling
National structures for consumer participation (Policy)
SFS' Coordination group for Consumer aspects in standardization
International cooperation
The Consumers’ Union of Finland
Consumers' priorities and objectives for participation
SFS publish (and update) a leaflet of most relevant national mirror committees, where there is a lack of consumer representatives ("Kuluttajien edustajia tarvitaan standardisoinnissa" = Consumer representatives are needed in standardization), .
Main obstacles to participation
Resources (financial or other)
Additional information
SFS has published (2019) a leaflet "kuluttajien pikaopas palvelujen standardisointiin" (An express Guide for Consumers for Service standardization), .
Respondent's name
Vahtila Susanna Mrs