Подготовка к публикации
ISO 13473-5
Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles — Part 5: Determination of megatexture
Ссылочный номер
ISO 13473-5
Версия 2
Подготовка к публикации
ISO 13473-5
Данный международный стандарт находится на заключительных этапах публикации (будет доступен примерно через семь недель).
Текущее издание: ISO 13473-5:2009


ISO 13473-5:2009 specifies procedures for determining the average depth or level of pavement surface megatexture by measuring the profile curve of a surface and calculating megatexture descriptors from this profile. The technique is designed to give meaningful and accurate measurement and description of pavement megatexture characteristics for various purposes.

Since there is an overlap between megatexture and the surrounding ranges, the megatexture descriptors unavoidably have a certain correlation with corresponding measures in those ranges. ISO 13473-5:2009 specifies measurements and procedures which are in relevant parts compatible with those in ISO 13473-1, ISO 8608 and EN 13036-5.

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    : Подготовка международного стандарта к публикации [60.00]
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