Ссылочный номер
ISO 18190:2016
ISO 18190:2016
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment — General requirements for airways and related equipment
Версия 1
В время отменен
ISO 18190:2016
Отозвано (Версия 1, 2016)


ISO 18190:2016 specifies the general requirements common to airways and related equipment and applicable to those device-specific standards that reference it.

The requirements of a device-specific standard take priority over ISO 18190:2016.

NOTE General requirements contained in ISO 18190:2016 have historically been referenced in more than two other airways and related equipment standards.

Общая информация

  •  : Отозвано
     : 2016-11
    : Отмена международного стандарта [95.99]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 121/SC 2
  • RSS обновления

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