Reference number
ISO/TR 834-3:2012
Technical Report
ISO/TR 834-3:2012
Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 3: Commentary on test method and guide to the application of the outputs from the fire-resistance test
Edition 2
Technical Report
ISO/TR 834-3:2012
недоступно на русском языке
Опубликовано (Версия 2, 2012)

ISO/TR 834-3:2012

ISO/TR 834-3:2012
CHF 132
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ISO/TR 834-3:2012 provides background and guidance on the use and limitations of the fire resistance test method and the application of the data obtained. It is designed to be of assistance to code officials, fire safety engineers, designers of buildings and other persons responsible for the safety of persons in and around buildings.

It identifies where the procedure can be improved by reference to ISO/TR 22898.

Общая информация

  •  : Опубликовано
     : 2012-06
    : Международный стандарт подлежит пересмотру [90.92]
  •  : 2
  • ISO/TC 92/SC 2
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