Reference number
ISO/IEC 21888:2001
International Standard
ISO/IEC 21888:2001
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Specification, functional model and information flows — Call Identification and Call Linkage Additional Network Feature
Edition 1
ISO/IEC 21888:2001
недоступно на русском языке
Опубликовано (Версия 1, 2001)
Последний раз этот публикация был пересмотрен в  2006. Поэтому данная версия остается актуальной.

ISO/IEC 21888:2001

ISO/IEC 21888:2001
Pасходы на перевозку должны оплачиваться


This International Standard specifies the Additional Network Feature (ANF) Call Identification and Call Linkage (CIDL),

which is applicable to various basic services supported by Private Integrated Services Networks (PISN). Basic services are

specified in ISO/IEC 11574.

ANF-CIDL is an additional network feature which allows the identification and correlation of calls throughout a PISN by

assigning unambiguous identifiers to each new call and also, as an option, to transformed and logically linked calls.

NOTE 1 - This ANF has been developed to support the use of CSTA (ISO/IEC 18051) in a networked environment, i.e. in a PISN. Use of

this ANF for other applications is not precluded.

Supplementary service specifications are produced in three stages, according to the method described in ETS 300 387. This

International Standard contains the stage 1 and stage 2 specifications of ANF-CIDL. The stage 1 specification (clause 6)

specifies the general feature principles and capabilities. The stage 2 specification (clause 7) identifies the Functional Entities

involved in the supplementary service and the information flows between them.

Общая информация

  •  : Опубликовано
     : 2001-09
    : Подтверждение действия международного стандарта [90.93]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6
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