
  • Секретарь:
    Mr Sergio Mujica
  • Председатель (до конца 2024):
    Dr Sung Hwan Cho
  • Дата создания : 1947

Область деятельности

The General Assembly is the overarching organ and ultimate authority of the Organization. It is constituted by a meeting of the Officers and delegates nominated by the member bodies. Correspondent members and subscriber members may attend as observers.

As a general rule, the General Assembly meets once a year. The General Assembly approves, inter alia, the ISO Strategy, ISO membership fees and ISO Central Secretariat financial statements. The General Assembly elects the President and Council members, and appoints the Vice-Presidents and financial auditors.

The President is Chairman of the General Assembly.

Быстрый поиск

Полноправных членов
Дата Меяц Местоположение ТК/ПК Примечание
9 October 2025 Kigali (Rwanda) ISO/GA *
28-2 September-October 2026 Paris (France) ISO/GA *
27-1 September-October 2027 İstanbul (Türkiye) ISO/GA *

* Информация определена, но заседание еще официально не проведено
** Предварительное