ISO 22412:2017 specifies the application of dynamic light scattering (DLS) to the measurement of average hydrodynamic particle size and the measurement of the size distribution of mainly submicrometre-sized particles, emulsions or fine bubbles dispersed in liquids. DLS is also referred to as "quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS)" and "photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS)," although PCS actually is one of the measurement techniques.
ISO 22412:2017 is applicable to the measurement of a broad range of dilute and concentrated suspensions. The principle of dynamic light scattering for a concentrated suspension is the same as for a dilute suspension. However, specific requirements for the instrument setup and specification of test sample preparation are required for concentrated suspensions. At high concentrations, particle-particle interactions and multiple light scattering can become dominant and can result in apparent particle sizes that differ between concentrated and dilute suspensions.
Informaciones generales
Estado: PublicadoFecha de publicación: 2017-02Etapa: Norma Internacional para revisar [90.92]
Edición: 2Número de páginas: 34
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 24/SC 4ICS :19.120
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Próxima versión en desarrollo

ISO/DIS 22412
ISO/DIS 22412
Particle size analysis — Dynamic light scattering (DLS)
Ciclo de vida
RetiradaISO 13321:1996
RetiradaISO 22412:2008
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En desarrolloISO/DIS 22412